
Wireless electric power from the Great Pyramid of Egypt

Without electricity, it would seem that the world ends. In this article you will be able to access a large amount of data that will help you understand what wireless electrical energy is. We are also going to find out if it was used in ancient Egypt.

This could be the original appearance of the Great Pyramid of Cheops

We must go back to approximately 200 AD. The so-called “Baghdad Battery” belongs to that period. It was the German archaeologist Wilhelm König, in charge of the National Museum of Baghdad (Iraq), who focused his attention on this ancient clay vessel, from the ancient region of Parthia (northeast of Iran). He was the one who identified it as a probable electric battery. However, in April 2003, during the invasion of Iraq, the museum was raided and looted, leaving the Baghdad stacks unaccounted for.

Description of how a “Baghdad battery” could have worked

Let’s travel back in time… The remains left by Sumer, Ancient Egypt or pre-Columbian civilizations indicate that some branches of science such as metallurgy, medicine, chemistry, physics, electrochemistry or electromagnetism had a considerable scope.

Was electricity already known thousands of years ago?

A close examination of Egypt’s history immediately reveals the sophistication of its perfect illumination. Since in none of the corridors of the pyramids or the supposed tombs of the kings has been found a single trace of soot. The reason is that those areas were almost certainly lit by electricity.

Reliefs carved into the stone reveal that the Egyptians used hand-held lanterns powered by cordless power sources.

The electric arc lamps used in the Lighthouse of Alexandria is yet another proof that electricity was used in ancient Egypt.

The electricity required to power the Lighthouse of Alexandria for 24 hours a day could only be generated by a regular source of wireless electrical power.

So far I have described what we can infer from numerous archaeological remains, testimony to the society of that great civilization. We must be aware that just as we capture in our works of art (paintings, sculptures, etc.) details of our society and way of life, our ancestors did too. It is something inherent to the human being. It is a way to perpetuate our society and our achievements.

Let us now see when our contemporary science began to discover the great secret of the ancient pyramids and their amazing ability to generate wireless electrical energy.

The Great Pyramid is a perfect construction

Some scientists have shown that even the natural structure of the pyramid lends itself well to theories of energy transmission. After detailed analysis of the dimensions and proportions of the Great Pyramid, it has been concluded that they seem to integrate harmoniously with the Earth, which means that the builders of the pyramids had an excellent knowledge of the size and shape of our planet.

The sides of the base of the Great Pyramid are amazingly aligned with the cardinal points.

Specifically, our best technology has been proven to point North so precisely that it makes this construction the most perfect ever built. Its error, measured today, is about 3 minutes of arc. They are rotated slightly counterclockwise relative to the cardinal points. Not only does the Cheops pyramid have this slight deviation, but the other two do as well. In our time, the most precisely oriented structure is the Paris astronomical observatory, but it does not exceed the accuracy of the Great Pyramid.

On September 22, 2016, the engineer and archaeologist Glen Dash seemed to demonstrate the reason for this slight error. Precisely that day was the autumnal equinox. He drove a stake into the ground on a wooden platform, and marked the positions of the shadow of the wood throughout the day.

On September 22, 2016, the engineer and archaeologist Glen Dash seemed to demonstrate the reason for this slight error. Precisely that day was the autumnal equinox. He drove a stake into the ground on a wooden platform, and marked the positions of the shadow of the wood throughout the day.

“At the equinox, the observer sees that the tip of the shadow runs in an almost perfect line from East to West.” Dash said.

This supposed error is slight and shifts the predicted compass points counterclockwise relative to the actual ones, just as is seen in the Egyptian pyramids.

Other studies have shown that this 3-arc minute error is due to either a pole shift or the drift of the African continent. They estimate that, at its construction, the Great Pyramid was oriented exactly to true north.

Not even in our best contemporary constructions have we been able to achieve such precision, so the Great Pyramid leaves us in a somewhat embarrassing situation. Where did this knowledge come from? What technology did they have? If you think that such a “primitive people” could not have so much technological knowledge; you were wrong

The electric shock suffered by Sir William Siemens in the Great Pyramid

Current summit of the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Giza)

Many of the lucky ones who have been able to climb to the top of the Great Pyramid have been able to experience small transfers of energy, a tingling sensation in their limbs or even obvious electric shocks. The electromagnetic field measurements made around the Great Pyramid are identical to those made during a thunderstorm.

Climbing to the top of the Great Pyramid is currently illegal. However, in the 19th century, the German engineer Sir William Siemens was fortunate to be able to do so. Having reached the highest point, one of his guides observed that when he raised his hand with his fingers apart, his ears picked up a strange sound, like a high-pitched rattle. Siemens then raised his index finger and felt a slight tingling arise from the tip of his finger and spread throughout his hand. Soon after, the inventor set out to quench his thirst with a sip of wine to celebrate that experience. At that moment he received an electric shock when his lips touched the bottle.

Siemens thought that these curious experiences were not just a fluke, so he soaked a sheet of newspaper and wrapped it around the wine bottle to create an impromptu Leyden jar. As he held this primitive capacitor above his head, electrical sparks exploded into the air.

One of the guides, very nervous, tried to grab the bottle. Siemens, either to prevent his experiment from being interrupted or as a protective reflex, aimed the bottle at the agitated guide, who was thrown backwards to the ground and knocked unconscious by the current he received.

The pyramid has its own electrical capacity – ability to accumulate a certain amount of electrical charge. If a lot of electrical charge reaches the pyramid, the excess causes discharges at the top of the pyramid. It is believed that this cusp was originally made up of a large pyramidal piece (it is often called a ‘pyramidon’) of solid gold, an excellent electrical conductor.

To commemorate the entry into the new millennium, the Egyptian government planned to once again cover the tip of the Great Pyramid with a 9-meter pyramidal piece. However, on December 16, 1999, the plan was cancelled.

The technical team in charge of carrying out its placement with the help of a helicopter verified that it would not cause any damage to the structure, but the authorities considered that it could provoke terrorist acts. However, other people have wondered if the Egyptian government feared that the energy capacity of the pyramid could be reactivated, with all that this would imply, which would be nothing more than the generation of wireless electricity.

A revolutionary science behind the pyramids

For many years, there have been scientific disciplines and constant research that we could call revolutionary. To cite some examples, antigravity, sonic levitation or zero point energy.

There are currently many so-called scientists who do not pay due attention or professional respect to it. Some of them often refer to them as “science fiction.” A scientist must never forget the phrase «What seemed like magic several centuries ago is now science«. A clear example of this is magnetism.

Of all the scientific studies on the pyramids, the research on the electrical energy of our own planet stands out, for example, on how to collect it, store it and use it. You can download it at the following link: «The Pyramid Electric Generator«, by the scientist Peter Grandics.

If you have the concern to delve deeper into these revolutionary scientific disciplines, I recommend this very interesting website: «Nikola TESLA, 3 generations later«.

The following image is part of this other interesting document that you can download here: «Tesla and pyramids«.

Effect of the Cheops Pyramid on the electric and magnetic field density in the Earth-ionosphere interaction. Credits: Hrvoje Zujic

This is an interesting text, written by the Croatian independent researcher Hrvoje Zujic. In it he develops the idea that motivated Nikola Tesla to build the Wardenclyffe Tower. He intended, according to the author, to develop a huge and optimal generator of negative ions. In his opinion, the tower, the pyramids, the obelisks and other constructions had this same purpose.

Nikola Tesla defended the idea that the Earth constitutes the plate of a huge spherical capacitor, the ionosphere being the other plate. Recent measurements have determined that the voltage difference between the Earth and the ionosphere is about 400,000 V. The lines of force of the electric charge together with the fields coming from the Sun, act perpendicularly on the sides of the pyramids (see figure above). The magnetic field equipotential lines show a high density at the top of the pyramid. The voltage created by the electric field, according to Hrvoje Zujic, grows 100 V/m in height. The electric field of the Earth reaches its maximum value and maximum density at the top of the pyramid. Therefore, at the highest point we would have a potential of 14,600 V available.

The Great Pyramid generated wireless electrical energy

The following sections are fundamentally based on numerous studies carried out over decades by many Egyptologists, researchers and scientists.

The exterior of the great pyramid was covered in white limestone tufa, laid so tightly in its construction that even a blade would not fit between the blocks. White limestone tuff does not contain magnesium and has a high insulating capacity. This peculiar characteristic prevented the electricity inside the pyramid from being released without control.

Old photograph showing the white limestone coating at the base

The stone blocks used inside the pyramid are composed of another type of limestone, which contains glass and small amounts of metal, which gives it great electrical conductivity. It is known that this conductivity is directly proportional to the mass of the pyramid or, what is the same, to its height.

The conductive and insulating properties of the pyramid are a clear example of perfect engineering. So far, only the description of the types of rock used suggests that an objective was being pursued, and this is none other than being able to generate wireless electrical energy. But a large power source was needed to generate it.

The Giza plateau, where the pyramids stand, is full of underground water channels. The pyramids stand on layers of limestone rock and the spaces between them are filled with water. These structures are called aquifers. The water from these aquifers travels through underground tunnels and percolates up through the limestone by capillarity. The high flow of the Nile River passing through these aquifers produces an electrical current. This phenomenon is called physio-electricity.

Let’s see something amazing about the Great Pyramid.

The pyramid’s subterranean chambers and passageways are built from huge numbers of perfectly assembled pink granite blocks. It seems really strange since granite is one of the hardest rocks on the planet. This makes it the most difficult rock to work with, even more so for that time. An added difficulty is that no granite-rich terrain existed in the immediate vicinity of the Giza Plateau. That meant that the 8,000 tons of granite used in the Great Pyramid had to be brought down the Nile from Aswan, some 800 km away. A tremendous difficulty, which makes us reflect on the need to have to use precisely that type of rock.

Surely only that type of rock qualified for his purpose.

The most important of quartz are its vibrational and electromagnetic properties. In the following two videos we can see it. You’ll be surprised.

Experimentation with the conductive properties of granite and its fundamental role in ancient technology

Vibratory and conductive properties of granite

Granite is also known to be slightly radioactive and has a high proportion of quartz crystals.

This gives it the property of being a piezoelectric material. This effect, for example, is used in quartz watches. Granite is also known to have the ability to ionize the surrounding air, which also contributes to increased electrical conductivity. So let’s see what it means and what it means to use these specific materials in this specific situation.

It has been shown that thousands of years ago the mighty river Nile flowed through the area of ​​the pyramids. Were these built to take advantage of the piezoelectric capacity of the currents of these rivers? Can this explain the vast network of underground chambers and tunnels? Was this the key to, in turn, being able to generate wireless electrical energy?

Kirlian camera reveals the helical flow of energy emanating from a Tesla coil inside a pyramid

In 1979, Dr. Dee J. Nelson and his wife experimented with a Tesla coil activated inside a pyramidal structure. They used a small copper pyramid to generate this flow of energy. This is the photograph they obtained with a Kirlian camera.

Much has been theorized on this matter and we can conclude the following.

The underground chambers of the pyramid were built with granite, a rock charged with physio-electricity. This electrical current is conducted upwards, directly into the interior chambers of the pyramid covered with granite. As we have already said, granite is a good conductor of electricity.

The electromagnetic field that forms at the base of the pyramid is transmitted in a concentrated way to the upper layers of the pyramid. It is believed that at the top of the Great Pyramid there was a pyramid-shaped piece of gold. Its composition should be gold because it is an excellent conductor of electricity. But at some point in history the pyramid lost its original geometry. This gold closure constituted a perfect conductive path for the transfer of negative ions towards the ionosphere, that is, to generate wireless electrical energy. This is how the electric current was generated and emitted.

Tesla’s Tower and the Great Pyramid

Wardenclyffe Wireless Electric Transmission Tower. Located in Shoreham, New York, 1904. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The scientist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) used a technology very similar to that used 5,000 years ago in Egypt. Thanks to her, he built the Wardenclyffe Tower on Long Island (USA) between 1901 and 1917, with a height of 30 meters and crowned by a 55-ton metal vault.

Tesla invented such electrical technology, as well as alternating current, the electric motor, the radio, among others. For this, it used an external source of electricity and applied wireless electric power generation technology. Tesla was very well aware of the capacity of the Great Pyramid to generate electricity, it was thanks to his obsession with the great pyramid that it would lead him to develop the Wardenclyffe Tower project. Such was his knowledge about it, that he gave his patent, published in 1905, the title “Tesla’s Electromagnetic Pyramid”.

On the other hand, it should be noted that Tesla also built his tower on an aquifer with the intention of taking advantage of the electrostatic charge it generates. The electromagnetic technology he used in his famous tower is identical to the electromagnetic field established in the construction of the pyramids. Both systems generate negative ions that are transmitted without the need for electrical cables.

Aquifers under the Great Pyramid and also under the Tesla Tower

Once we have established the process of electricity generation, it is most likely that the Great Pyramid was crowned with a pyramidal piece of gold, thus constituting the upper vertex. Gold, in fact, is one of the most conductive materials that exist on our planet. This piece would then provide a free path for negative ions to be emitted into the ionosphere, i.e. wireless electrical power generation. In the same way the 55-ton metal sphere of Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower worked.

The Great Pyramid is capable of concentrating electromagnetic energy

In 2018, an exhaustive study and theoretical research was published by a group of Russian scientists on the resonance response of the Great Pyramid when it interacts with electromagnetic waves with a wavelength between 200 and 600 meters (medium wave band, between 1,500 kHz and 500kHz). The research team belongs to the ITMO University of Saint Petersburg (Russia) and the Laser Zentrum Hannover of Germany.

In their study they applied theoretical physics methods to investigate the Great Pyramid’s electromagnetic response to radio waves. Scientists predicted that, under resonance conditions, the Great Pyramid of Giza can concentrate electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers (the King’s and Queen’s chambers) and below the base. The research group plans to use these theoretical results to design nanoparticles capable of reproducing similar effects in the optical range. Such nanoparticles can be used, for example, to develop highly efficient solar cells and sensors.

Distribution of the magnitude of the electric (a)-(e) and magnetic (f)-(j) fields in the x-z plane of the Great Pyramid. The small black rectangle represents the position of the King’s Chamber

Use of electricity in ancient Egypt

The Dendera Temple, dedicated to the God Hathor, is one of the most mysterious temples built by the Egyptians thousands of years ago. Located about 2.5 km from Dendera, this ancient temple is one of the best preserved, especially its central temple. Known as the “Light of Dendera”, a mysterious relief, which appears to represent an electric bulb lamp, has raised numerous questions among experts. Is it possible that thousands of years ago, just before humanity began to write our history, technology was much greater than we have ever imagined?

In a research paper, Mohamed Osman (Istanbul Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Aydin University), ventures to describe in detail all the elements represented in the relief. Are these:

In the Temple of Hathor in Dendera, there are reliefs that some experts identify as electric lamps. They would be powered by wireless electrical energy

1. Priest, 2. Ionized gases, 3. Electric discharge (serpent), 4. Lamp cap (lotus flower), 5. Wire (lotus stem), 6. God of air, 7. Insulator (see also “Dhyed Pillar” relief at Abydos, 8. Light-bearer Thoth with knives, 9. Current symbol, 10. Reverse polarity, 11. Energy store (electrostatic generator?)

These lamps are reminiscent of Nikola Tesla’s descriptions showing that his alternative energy source was safe. At the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, Tesla transmitted his electric current through his body to a bulb lamp he held in his hand, all without using any electrical wires. Today it is very common to witness this striking phenomenon in any demonstration of the operation of a Tesla coil.

The Egyptians used antennas and wireless free energy for their wireless communication.

The following images show what could have been a receiver. This seems to indicate that the Egyptians used free wireless electrical energy for, at least, their lighting. They probably would for some other type of wireless communication as well.

Relief in which a kind of simple ornamental column (called «Dyed pillar») could have served as a receiving antenna

It is known the fact that many objects from ancient Egypt were bathed in gold in a very fine and perfect way. Such precise work, even more so in this type of piece, requires the use of electricity. The Egyptians also must have used electricity for their weaving factories.

The pyramids were not used as tombs

The pyramids have always been interpreted as tombs for their pharaohs. However, no inscriptions of any kind or hieroglyphs have appeared in the corridors and chambers of the Great Pyramid. This fact suggests that its use was rather functional and not as a mausoleum (tomb).

In the central inner axis of the Great Pyramid a chamber was found, baptized as the King’s Chamber. Inside there was a rectangular granite chest (2.27m long, 0.98m wide and 1.05m high). They proposed the theory that this mysterious granite chest was the pharaoh’s coffin, but it is empty because his body was stolen at some point in history. But an examination of the dimensions of the granite chest and its special location reveals a very different interpretation.

If you analyze the position of the camera, as well as its overall design and the fact that said hole is located right in the center of the conductive structure, it reveals something amazing.

If a highly conductive material was installed there, the pyramid could produce an enormous amount of electricity, perhaps for all of Egypt. Imagine that this superconductor was neither more nor less than the mysterious Ark of the Covenant which, according to many historians, was in Egypt in ancient times. In addition, its supposed dimensions (1.11m x 0.67m x 0.67m) fit quite well with the granite chest, which means that it could have served as a container for the Ark of the Covenant, located in the mysterious and puzzling Chamber of the King.

Artistic recreation of the Ark of the Covenant inside the granite chest, in the King’s Chamber.

One of the learning phases that a future king had to go through in ancient Egypt was the teaching of all the secrets of Egypt and the knowledge of energy. In addition to other properties, there are several references to the Ark of the Covenant indicating that it served as a condenser and that it was the “source of power” of Egypt. It is also mentioned that he was capable of emitting “deadly lightning bolts”. It is often interpreted as something metaphorical and religious, but what if it was a literal statement? In the Holy Scriptures we find this quote in Revelation 11-19: “Then the temple of God which is in heaven was opened, and in the temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there was lightning, voices, thunder, an earthquake and a big hailstorm.”

Historians tell us that the prophet Moses took the Ark of the Covenant with him when he fled Egypt and the pharaoh of that time tried to capture it at all costs. One of the reasons for this is to recover the Ark of the Covenant because he was aware that all the glory and magnificence of Egypt could end without electricity.

Were the Egyptians the only society to use wireless electrical power?

The rock carvings left by the Maya and Assyrians also contain images that suggest the use of techniques similar to those used in the construction of the great pyramids.

All this information again shows us that not all societies of the past were primitive, as the disciples of Charles Darwin want us to believe.

In terms of civilization, more or less developed communities have lived side by side throughout history. A society like the Egyptian, which existed thousands of years ago, enjoyed more advanced technology compared to the 20th century. They had in their hands the miracle of wireless electrical energy. And this teaches us that technological development is not part of an evolutionary process. In other words, in the history of humanity, seen globally, there is no linear technological advance from a primitive civilization to a more developed one.

It is necessary that we make a simple but at the same time important reflection. Let’s start from a fact: the inhabitants of those ancient civilizations were just as intelligent as we are. Now let’s continue with another fact: the electrical phenomena of nature also existed at that time. For example, hair stands on end when there are highly electrostatically charged storm clouds above us. Do you really think that their brains did not work in the same way as ours and did not come to the conclusion that this electrical force could be reproduced for their own benefit? We have before our eyes the incredible and perfect constructions that those civilizations, such as the Mayan or the Egyptian, have left us. It is very evident that their level of technological development was far superior to what the history books would have us believe.

Relief of the “Lamps of Dendera” carved in the Temple of Hathor, Dendera. The most traditional see a representation of Creation, with a snake emerging from the lotus flower.

Human evolution must be measured in terms of millions or hundreds of thousands of years. However, we must know that human capacity and intelligence thousands of years ago did not have to be inferior to ours. Technological leaps are not exclusive to our current society or (civilization).

The Egyptian civilization developed for more than 3,000 years. At that time, its technological development was much greater than what our books tell us. However, we must seriously reflect on why they hide it from us.

Development is not part of the evolutionary level of the human being. In other words, there is no linear advance from a primitive level of a civilization to a more developed one in history. With this, perhaps we should recognize that every civilization reaches a moment of flourishing that for x or y reasons simply disappears due to a cataclysm or simple twists of fate. Do the Ooparts tell you anything? (Misplaced artifacts found in different parts of the world).

Weren’t the ancient Egyptians capable of building something like this?

If you think not, then from whom did they receive help and from where?

Could it be that the ancient Egyptians shared this knowledge with all cultures around the world?

Why does Elonk Musk say that the pyramids of Egypt were built by aliens?

Someday we will know.

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